Stacy Beaupre, PA, and I have been working with Cambridge Brain Sciences, a state-of-the-art neurocognitive testing company that has developed a gamified online testing platform for memory, concentration, spatial orientation, problem-solving, and other brain functions to identify baseline brain function. Stacy has developed a protocol where we can email these tests to patients who can perform them several times per year in a time-controlled quiet home environment and we can follow brain function quality. It enables us to see what measures we can each actually do to increase our cognitive performance Including good diet and sleep, exercise, and gut and supplement interventions. We can also learn which activities, including toxin exposures, tobacco, and poor sleep and health habits accelerate deterioration. We all experience brain fog, we wonder if we’re ‘losing it’ and these tests help us to appreciate where we are over time and how these Interventions affect each of us individually. This is purely voluntary, and we are finding entire families including kids, interested in using these tests to evaluate brain function, including for ADD, concussions, depression, etc.